We all know that’s in the majority of the Muslim countries being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender can be a crime and that’s because the Quran said that homosexuality is a grave sin so no good Muslim can be gay !!!
But today we came with an openly gay imam and remember there are a tiny number of them! Daayiee Abdullah is a Washington, D.C lawyer who studied Islam in the Middle East, says that mainstream Islamic teaching on gays must change.
If I can give an advice that our countries need so badly is that every person or citizen mind his own business and stop watching others if every person watches his own problems and try to develop his self and personality we gonna see a major change in our community believe me.
In the Quran, I find nothing to condemn my sexual orientation. The word “homosexuality” is not used in the text.
Pointing to the Quran or any religion’s sacred writings to explain current day moral stances also makes little sense, said Aisha Geissinger, who teaches about Islam at Ottawa’s Carleton University.
“Nobody takes all of their sexual morality nowadays from an old text. Christians don’t do it. Muslims don’t do it,” Geissinger said. “Otherwise, we’d have slavery.” she offers an example from history that counters the idea that Muslim societies are monolithic and have always been hostile to same-sex desires.
In “Before Homosexuality in the Arab-Islamic World, 1500-1800,” author Khaled El-Rouayheb points out that much of the poetry in the Arab world prior to the 19th century was written by men about a male beloved, or a person whose gender is ambiguous.
“It is difficult to imagine that this type of poetry was so popular if it didn’t reflect something about what people were seeing as normative,” Geissinger said.
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